About Us

Company TEODEN MARKET LTD with registered address: 91 Battersea Park Road, London, SW8 4DU, England and registration number 15238497 is the owner and the operator of the website www.sportylife.pro

Sportylife is a young and vibrant website that aims to provide good quality products. We focus on the fashion needs of our clients across apparel. We are dedicated to provide quality products to customers.

Customers can browse through our collection of items and experience a world of diverse choices in terms of theme, material and utility.

With a wide array of sport products, catering to every expectation and personal requirement, Sportylife desires to be the go-to place in terms of clothes, backpacks, shoes and other sport equipment. 

Sportylife is a UK website that offers its customers a versatile pallet of top–quality products.

With a commitment to promoting quality products and diversity of choice, holding customer satisfaction at its core, Sportylife is the answer when it comes to improving your look. 

Customers can browse through our collection of items and experience a world of diverse choices in terms of theme, material and utility.
